Nintendo X Premier League

Role: Creative director, designer, art director & copywriter.

To kick off the 2018 Premier League season I mashed two iconic worlds together; the EPL and Nintendo’s Mario universe.

The project was shared by millions of people and reposted by some of the biggest online football channels, with articles in Sports Illustrated, Mundial and Soccer Bible.

We were also due to bring out a series of football shirts in partnership with a clothing brand, but their legal team got cold feet. It was probably the right decision.

Created with Ndesign.

“Sports logo mash ups are one of my favourite sub-genres of internet content, the twist this time is English Premier League badges as Mario characters and it works surprisingly well.”

Sport Illustrated

“Expertly crafted and executed.”

Kick to the Pitch

“A personal project with a hella lot of character, this wins with touches of nostalgia as well as newness.”

Soccer Bible


