The Smiling Food Co.

Role: Branding identity, product & packaging designer, art director, copywriter & food processor.

A month sabbatical spent in The Gambia working with Global Hands; an NGO which tackles inequality through community engagement.

Working with the village of Manduar to bring a locally sourced food company to market. I led a team of local volunteers to process the food, source the packaging, brand the company and help market their products.

This is what we created together.

Made in collaboration with Majula, Sam, Famara & Bintou.

“The Smiling Food Co. brought motivation and entrepreneurial spirit to the village of Manduar. This strategic branding project is what Global Hands is here for; no hand-outs, just a hands-on approach to community projects and quality skill-sharing”

Momodou Sallah - Global Hands Chairman


Asylum Aid

