
Role: Creative, art director

Reaching 1 million Facebook fans was a huge deal for Cadbury Dairy Milk. Such a big deal in fact that they allowed us to stack 1 million cubes of Dairy Milk into the shape of a giant “like” thumbs-up.

The live-streamed campaign quickly went viral. 250,000 people got involved and Cadbury gained 40,000 new Facebook fans during the activation.

Created with Libby Middlehurst at HyperNaked

“It’s great to see brands finding innovative ways to celebrate their communities.”

Digital Buzz

“Superfan Denise, is shown placing the final piece on the chocolate thumb.”

The Telegraph - picture of the week

“As social-media stunts go, the thumbs-up is a pretty good one, probably sending more than a few drooling customers to the store to pick up their own Dairy Milk bars.”



the smiling food co.


Battle of the Boots